This year the kids have requested we use our Advent Stockings again. These are hand made, I won them in a competition a few years ago and they are great for when you want to include alternatives to chocolates every day.
Like any parent I try to encourage kindness in my kids. We like doing little projects like recently we left kindness pegs around our town while we were out and about.
We have had random acts of kindness notes through advent before, but I’m hoping this year with the girls being that bit older they will be even more inclined to put the effort in!
Here is the FREE printable of my ideas advent RAOK
I have a plan for mine and have worked out exactly which day would be best for each activity through our month, so for things like donating to the food bank we will have that on a day that we will be going near a drop off point anyway.
I realise there are some things like Putting up the Christmas decs which aren’t exactly an act of kindness, but will be super exciting activities!
I have also done Self Care advent notes for kids, find them HERE